
A Hauntology of Grief, Materiality, and Research Creation

I’d like to extend a huge thank you to Olivia Wikle, Devin Becker, and Evan Williamson for creating and freely sharing the code for CollectionBuilder as well as for their great work in advocating for more ethical, longer lasting, and more accessible ways to navigate and create on the internet. The construction of this website could not have been possible without their skillful instruction and support while attending their workshop at the University of Victoria.

More broadly, I would also like to thank the University of Victoria in British Columbia for hosting the annual Digital Humanities Summer Institute, the entire DHSI leadership and operational team, the many phenomenal colleagues who attended DHSI 2023 alongside me, and my inspiring peers in the CollectionBuilder class who helped to bring Olivia, Devin, and Evan’s instruction to life over the course of just five days.

Lastly, I’d like to extend a huge thanks to Jason Boyd, Director of Toronto Metropolitan University’s Centre for Digital Humanities, who graciously funded my attendance to DHSI 2023 as part of a scholarship to help promote professional and academic development in the digital humanities.

Collaborators’ Bill of Rights

Technical Credits - CollectionBuilder

This digital collection is built with CollectionBuilder, an open source framework for creating digital collection and exhibit websites that is developed by faculty librarians at the University of Idaho Library following the Lib-Static methodology.

Using the CollectionBuilder-CSV template and the static website generator Jekyll, this project creates an engaging interface to explore driven by metadata.

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